Kristen Tromble - Access Consciousness
Kristen Tromble Access Consciousness

I use my intuitive capacities, wry humor, the gift of allowance, and the tools of Access Consciousness® to empower you to choose and create the life and world you’ve been asking for. Whether you’re looking to change one thing or asking for an entire reality makeover, I’m happy to facilitate it with you.



Expand your life and change the world. Learn Access Consciousness tools to use for yourself or with others.

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Clear limitations and promote clarity, possibility, and choice for any area you'd like to change. What would you like to choose?

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Bring your unique knowing and capacities to share at my next event.

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 Choose greater possibilities for your life, your body, and the earth.

Acknowledge and express your unique awareness and capacities.

Create a life and world you truly enjoy.

Since our session, and the last time we emailed, so much is changing in my life. It is amazing. I feel like I am finally moving in a direction that I want. I feel unstuck. I am attributing it to the session with you and the endless questions I keep asking myself and the universe.
— J.C. | Alaska
