
Available in person or by distance

Symphony Sessions

Go beyond

What do you and your body know? Disengage your mind and go on an energetic exploration of your unique awareness and capacities.

Symphony sessions are based on the tools of Access Consciousness® and the energetic transformation work created by Dr. Dain Heer.


Verbal Facilitation

Clear – Change – Create

Shall we talk? Your words bring up energies that help identify what’s keeping you from creating what you desire. Acknowledge and shift the energy and the story loses its power.


Available in person

Some things are best experienced in person

(your body will thank you)

Access Bars®

Relax – Release – Receive

32 points on the head. Light, nurturing touch. Magic.

“There are two things that will change anything in your life… the Access Bars and choice.”

– Gary Douglas


Access Facelift™

Restore – Rejuvenate – Revitalize

So much more than its name.


Access Body Process

A gift for your body

Hands-on energetic processes that can help restore the natural function, vitality and longevity of your body. Several dozen energies to choose from.

Which one is your body asking for?


Happy Mouth™

Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems

21 consecutive days of sessions activate the systems selected for you.
Contact me for a free 20-minute consultation to explore possibilities.