
Kristen Tromble

Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator

Being You Certified Facilitator

Symphony Advanced Practitioner

Happy Mouth™ Certified Practitioner


I grew up in the Midwest in an amazingly functional family with parents who did everything correct—and I was silently miserable and depressed. As a young adult, I found my home and compatible color scheme in Southeast Alaska, whose beauty and isolation seemed to make it easier to be alive. I hunkered down and tried to build a sense of security and worth with a steady job and my own home. Years later I met a man who turned my life upside down. I left the predictable job, retirement plan, and comfortable house, and began the out-of-the box adventure that led me to the tools of Access Consciousness®.

For now, I’ve let go of most of my possessions and am traveling indefinitely. With no fixed past to return to, every day is a playground for choice, creation, choosing again, and letting go of control.

I’ve used the Access tools to help me transform my life from one based on habit and routine to one based on continuous choice—from one based on quiet, hiding, and contraction to one that’s open, expansive, and includes a lot more laughter.

I'm an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, a Being You Certified Facilitator, and a Maestro of Symphony Sessions. Since 2011, I’ve studied extensively with Access Consciousness founder, Gary Douglas, and co-creator, Dr. Dain Heer. I keep up-to-date on the newest processes (and add joy and fun to my life) by continuing to participate in several classes each year.

I am also a certified practitioner of “Happy Mouth™ Generative & Restorative Energetic Systems for Healing”. Happy Mouth is a distinct modality (not Access). Its systems are complete on their own and also a great complement for clients familiar with Access processes.

Prior to Access, I studied massage and practiced several energetic modalities including Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure, Matrix Energetics, Reiki, and Quantum Touch. For many years, I worked as a researcher and data analyst, honing skills in advanced head-tripping. More personally, I’m a former weaver, recovering reader, and occasional extravagant-dessert baker.