
 From Kristen:

Do you know that getting to know you and facilitate these tools adds a huge dose of fun to my life?

When you share the changes you're making or I see a new glow in your face after a session it's like bubbles of joy in my universe.

I'm so grateful for each of you. 


"The session released so much tension out of my body I didn't know I had. I feel like it processed every single thought I ever had out of my head."

G. W. | New Zealand


 "Kristen has an amazing and excellent ability to quickly grasp and succinctly answer my questions in Access Consciousness. She explains the concepts and techniques clearly and does wonderful follow up and researching to support our class and session information. I really appreciate her and all she does to support me."

M. F. | Alaska


 "Kristen ran the Access Energetic Facelift process just 3 times and my entire body experienced a wonderful combination of relaxation, invigoration and rejuvenation all at the same time! My body felt lighter and more willing to be in tune with my knowing. Kristen’s touch is nurturing and confident and I appreciated that she did not rush the process."

M. R. | North Carolina


"I felt so light and so incredibly relaxed and stress free. The remainder of the day was very easy despite the usual craziness and chaos and myriad of responsibilities. I slept very well, which I have not done for a while."

N. P. | Alaska



“Don't let Kristen's unassuming manner fool you. She's a dynamic healer with great kindness and depth. I've had a lot of body work with a lot of different people and I will definitely be choosing to work with Kristen again!  

S. R. | Georgia


“Kristen has good hands!

T. M. | Alaska

“Kristen is about the gentlest, least violent person, safest person I know, possibly, in the whole world.”

T. M. | Alaska
