
Access Bars®

What contribution will you be?

32 points on the head. Light, nurturing touch. Learn and experience this gentle technique for releasing the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that keep one stuck, repeating the same patterns over and over. Upon class completion, you'll be an Access Bars Practitioner with dynamic tools for change to share with your family and friends or add to your business.

1 day


The Foundation

Would you be willing to know that you, yes, you, can change and create anything?

Be with that question for a moment. What do you notice? Excitement? Fear? Denial? Curiosity? A deep sense of “Yes, I know that’s how it should be?”

If you could choose anything, what would it be?

The Foundation class empowers you to go beyond the foundation of truths, lies, beliefs, and limitations that you’ve built your life on to begin to create a life, living, and world that work for you.

4 days. Prerequisite: Access Bars class


Being You® Adventures

What if who you be is not a definition but a choice?

What if you could be present, as you, whatever that is in each moment? What if whatever you’re choosing to be in this moment, you’re not wrong?

Would that change your life? Would that change the world?

Welcome to the adventure of being you.

Based on Dr. Dain Heer’s Being You, Changing the World® book and classes and the tools of Access Consciousness®.

Choose a deep dive into Being You or pick a special topic class on Being You with Magic, Future, Relationship, Body, or Money.

Also available, The Baby Unicorn Manifesto and The Baby Dragon Manifesto intro classes!

1/2 day, 1 day, and 2 day classes


Tidbits and Special Treats

Something special tickling you? Contact me for possibilities.

I offer introductory and specialty classes and class series on a variety of topics.

Available now:

The Being You Online Adventure Series Replay –  Replay of a 3-month series with the Being You Facilitators on the adventure of being you with money, bodies, and relationships. Available here.