


Online interviews:


The Very Greatest Adventure…is You Truly Being You

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What if being you is not about finding you, but about continuously creating you, in every ten seconds? What if nothing about you is set, defined or decided? What if you truly being you, is the very greatest adventure you will ever go on?

I’m grateful to be one of the contributors to this new compilation of stories. Written by the Being You Facilitators, with special guest writer Dr. Dain Heer, and edited by Katarina Wallentin.



Listen to me and other contributors being us as we read selections and talk about our adventure with this book.



Available on Amazon and at the Access Consciousness® Shop

If you were truly being you, who would you be?


And check out this magical book of tools to fuel your adventures, Being You, Changing the World by Dr. Dain Heer. The book that inspired us all!

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